
Several grant opportunities exist for both attending a training course and using support for Lean Six Sigma implementation. Contact us to discuss the possibilities!

Symbol offers extensive opportunities for training and deployment support for implementing Lean Six Sigma in your organization.
To make these valuable initiatives affordable, several grants are available that provide financial support for both training and process improvement.
As a registered training institute with the CRKBO and recognized by several industry associations, we can help explore and apply for the right grant options to suit your specific needs.
Explore the various grant options below and contact us for more information.

Learn more

If you would like more information about these or possible other arrangements, Please contact us! You can use the form below, or call 053 – 20 30 240.

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    Sustainable employability companies (MDIEU) grant

    With the “Sustainable Employability Companies” grant it is possible to receive financial support for Symbol’s services, such as training, coaching, and consulting aimed at improving employee motivation and productivity.
    This grant makes it more attractive to invest in sustainable employability within the organization.
    More information on the subsidy and conditions can be found on the website of Implementation of Policy SZW.

    SLIM grant

    The SLIM grant makes it possible to receive financial support for Symbol’s services such as training, coaching, and consulting programs aimed at encouraging learning and development within the organization.
    This grant provides an attractive opportunity to invest in employee growth and development, ultimately contributing to a stronger and more productive work environment.
    More information about the SLIM subsidy and the conditions can be found on the website of Implementation of Policy SZW.

    provincial subsidies

    Provincial grant

    Provincial grants are available to encourage and support organizations in the region.
    In many provinces, financial assistance is available for employee training and development so that companies can invest in their team and strengthen the regional economy.
    Want to know if your province offers grants for learning and development?
    Then click on your region’s link for more information

    UWV grant

    Symbol is a training partner registered by the UWV.
    Job seekers can follow a training program at Symbol in consultation with their UWV advisor.
    Together with the UWV advisor we look at the financing options for which you qualify.
    On the UWV website you can find more information about taking training while on benefits.

    VAT exemption for individuals

    Did you know that Symbol can also offer VAT exemption for individuals?
    Because we are registered with the Central Register for Short Professional Education (CRKBO), our courses and trainings can be offered VAT-free.
    This means that individuals can benefit from lower costs for their training and development.
    Please contact us for more information.

    SME Training Voucher

    For organizations in the large metal industry Symbol offers the possibility to make use of reimbursements through A&O Metalektro.
    This training and development fund supports companies in the metal and electrical industry in investing in the training and development of their employees.

    A+O Metalektro subsidy

    For organizations in the large metal industry Symbol offers the possibility to make use of reimbursements through A&O Metalektro.
    This training and development fund supports companies in the metal and electrical industry in investing in the training and development of their employees.

    Training Development Metalworking grant

    For companies in the small metalworking industry Symbol offers the possibility to make use of various schemes through OOM (Opleidings- en Ontwikkelingsfonds voor de Metaalbewerking).
    OOM supports companies in the metalworking industry in improving the professional skills of their employees by means of financial allowances for education and training.