Due to success, we are hosting another webinar on March 4: How Lean is Working from Home?

We hosted this webinar back in November. It was a success. Therefore, for those who missed it, once again! Since mid-March, on the urgent advice of the cabinet, we have all been working from home en masse. Previously, it was still sporadic and employers were also not immediately enthusiastic about the effectiveness of working from home. By necessity, we all gained experience in a very short period of time.


Possible, challenging or unachievable?

Working from home should be possible, of course, and that is not easy for everyone. For production workers, it is mostly impossible, and even for employees who normally work in the office from behind the computer, working from home presents challenges.


Working more effectively from home using Lean tools

During this webinar, we will go over the experiences of working from home and try to answer the question of how to improve working and learning from home. We do this using about eight tips and techniques that come from the Lean toolbox:

1. Day start with family
2. Day start with colleagues
3. Reliable equipment/access to systems.
4. Professional and ergonomic work environment
5. Tasks, priorities and visualization
6. Flow (working without distractions)
7. New forms of work
8. Health; relaxation


For whom.

For anyone who wants to be inspired to work more effectively and smartly at home.



After attending this webinar, you’ll have tips and inspiration on how to set up working from home more effectively for yourself and with your colleagues as a team.


Missed the webinar?

Did you miss this webinar? You can still watch it at the link below!



How lean is working from home?

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