Labour market training grant scheme COVID-19 Fryslân

In Friesland, a grant can be obtained for training employees. Do you work in Friesland or is your organization based there? Then this may be an interesting scheme for you!

In Friesland, a special grant is available for organizations that, despite these tough economic times, do want to invest in training or increasing the knowledge of their employees. This is the “Labor Marketscholng COVID-19 Fryslân 2020” grant.

By encouraging training activities, the province of Friesland aims to strengthen the Frisian labor market and increase the level of knowledge among existing employers and employees. It can be used for education, training, seminars or courses. The grant rate is 70% of the toal cost with a maximum grant contribution of €4,000 excl. VAT per application and with a minimum of €350 excl. VAT per request.

Applications can be made through the SNN counter (Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland).

Interested in this grant, want to know more or need help? Call us at 053 – 20 30 240 or fill out the contact form below!

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